

How many lives had been burnt out? And who had made a gain thereof?

The dark side of big banks recounted by an insider. A most actual legal thriller on the greediness of financial institutions, where the law is the servant of money and not of justice. A journey through the corrupted conscience of our time.

Italy, 2013

The games of American banks with subprime mortgages have triggered the biggest crisis in history. Years thereafter, Italy still doesn’t see an exit. Banks don’t lend anymore, enterprises don’t produce anymore, nobody makes any more business: the country wears out in inaction and fades off. Those most hit, clearly, are ordinary people, anyone who hasn’t a family heritage behind. Crisis does not spare anyone: even thousands of independent professionals, once almost the epitome of financial solidity, are brought to their knees.

Attorney Luca Pugliatti is among them. He sees disaster closing in on him, and notwithstanding all his efforts he can’t manage to overturn the situation. Until one day an entrepreneur, himself in financial distress, hires him for a deal that may save them both. He has won a contract that would enable to pay off all his dues and relaunch his business, but he must reach an agreement with his creditor banks: if they give him the time to cash the revenues of the new contract, they will be paid out entirely, and with increased interest. The deal seems almost done, but one bank gets in the way…

The Last Client is a most actual legal thriller, that with the pace of an action novel recounts the lack of prospects of today’s life, the greediness and deceitfulness of financial institutions, and how one can still try to survive, bending the law to own's advantage.

Praise for The Last Client

“A new literature of finance, that exploits its jargon and outlines the contemporary villains” - Tuttolibri 

“A most actual and human legal thriller, that unveils a system where money takes the place of man and law. What surprises is his ability of being next, close, with eyes wide open viewing all the marks of lives being swept away by numbers, percentages, interest” - Satisfiction 

“A most actual novel on the financial crisis that still plagues our country and describes the dark side of big banks. A journey through the corrupted conscience of our time.” – Thriller Magazine 

“Comparable to films like The Big Short and tv series like Billions” - TuStyle

“Breathtaking, enigmatic, full of suspense and plot twists – Caliceti knows how to dose narration with reality” – Affari Italiani

“Caliceti is really good at giving voice to a slice of life that burns our souls” – Economia Italiana 

“A splendid book, masterly written” – Gli Amanti dei Libri

“A most actual legal thriller, that with the pace of an action novel recounts the lack of prospects of today’s life, the greediness and deceitfulness of financial institutions, but also – luckily - how one can still try to protect oneself and manage to escape” – Libroguerriero

“A novel that is innovative as much as original” - MeLoLeggo

“A thriller recommended to those wanting to discover the often concealed truths that regard finance… Caliceti is excellent” – Recensione Libro

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