

They all used God’s name without having the authority. And God only knew how much His name had been misused.

Only a few months have passed since Warren Hamilton had been elected to the papal throne. While all the spotlights are focused on the inauguration of the new Holy Year, a chilling anonymous letter arrives to the pope. Is it a concrete threat or just the work of a mythomaniac?

The lead of investigations is taken by Ben Keller, a man with an ambiguous past and now the head of The Entity, the Vatican Secret Service. But Hamilton also asks Father Alessio Macchia, the real craftsman of his election and now his personal secretary, to conduct a parallel investigation. Almost at the same time, in the embassy of the Holy See in Rome some human bones are found; and as it already happened in 2018, this discovery revamps the case of Emanuela Orlandi and Mirella Gregori, two young girls who disappeared in 1983 under circumstances that were never resolved but always suggested some Vatican involvement. Also the Italian Police therefore gets back to work.

The investigations will be—for everyone—the occasion for a journey across time and space, which will bring them to confront themselves with a set of apparently unrelated events that took place in the early 80s on both sides of the Atlantic, the big picture of which is terribly weighty.
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