
The Last Client

The Last Client
For many years in my life I had never thought to do anything but the lawyer.
Work absorbed me, pleased me, gratified me.
Then, starting from 2008, something began to creak. In America the subprime crisis had exploded.
It was a long wave, like a tsumani, that took a while to cross the ocean; but when it finally fell down on Europe it was devastating. Particularly for Italy, that of all Europe was one of the weakest rings.
Clients no longer asked me to assist them to make acquisition, to grow: what they now wanted was only to be protected from banks, to escape from doom. Entire generations had seen their jobs, their savings, their dreams fade off; for the first time the sons were poorer than their fathers; suicides multiplied at an appalling pace.
The Last Client stems out of the willingness to give these people a voice. And at the same time to denounce those who got richer at their expenses. For there are some who got richer.
For those that would like to get an idea, I report some data below .

The Generation that paid for All

The Generation that paid for All
The Generation that paid for All

Money-Laundering: Germany & Co.

Money-Laundering: Germany & Co.

Suicides due to the financial crisis

Suicides due to the financial crisis

The Crisis of Lawyers

The Crisis of Lawyers
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