
The Option of God

The Option of God
As I said in some interviews, L’Opzione di Dio wanted to be somehow an attempt to re-write The Brothers Karamazov in a contemporary key. Its fundamental literary references are thus Dostoevskij and Pascal’s Pensées, whom also Dostoevskij owed much to. In addition to these two pillarstones, that kept me company from the initial idea until the end, the drafting of the novel has required an enormous amount of study, ranging from the holy books of Christianity and Islamism to information technology, passing through theology, the Church’s internal organization and most notably its financial arm and the interventions of Popes Ratzinger and Bergoglio in the matter, medicine, the activities of Isis and the operations of the Police's elite forces.

Numerous are the books that were of support to me. Here I would like to mention at least those listed below:

St. Augustine, The Confessions

Lucien Goldmann, Le Dieu Caché, Gallimard, 2013 (1959)

André Bord, Pascal et Jean de la Croix, Beauchesne Religions, 1987

Giada Trapani, L’origine del male. Sul pensiero filosofico dell’ultimo Pareyson, La Zisa, 2016

Mario Trombino, Il problema del male. Innocenza e libertà nel pensiero moderno, Armando, 2003

Angelo Scola, Postcristianesimo. Il malessere e le speranze dell’Occidente, Marsilio, 2017

Angelo Scola, Ho scommesso sulla libertà, Solferino, 2018

Papa Francesco, Nel giorno del Signore. Le lettere di Giovanni e l’Apocalisse nelle parole del Papa, Castelvecchi, 2017

Carlo Maria Martini, La forza della debolezza. Riflessioni su Giobbe, Piemme, 2012

Robert Sarah, Dio o niente. Conversazioni sulla fede, Cantagalli, 2015

Robert Sarah con Nicolas Diat, Si fa sera e il giorno ormai volge al declino, Cantagalli, 2019

Maria Rita Parsi, Le mani sui bambini, Mondadori, 1998

Giuseppe Crea, Pedofilia e preti, Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna, 2010

Thomas Frings, Così non posso più fare il parroco, Ancora, 2018


Marco Vannini, All’ultimo papa, il Saggiatore, 2015

Massimo Franco, Il Vaticano secondo Francesco, Mondadori, 2015

Henry Sire, La maschera di Bergoglio, Giubilei Regnani, 2018

Eric Frattini, I corvi del Vaticano, Sperling & Kupfer, 2013

Antonio Socci, Non è Francesco. La Chiesa nella grande tempesta, Mondadori, 2015

Aldo Maria Valli, La verità del papa, Lindau, 2010

Marco Politi, Joseph Ratzinger. Crisi di un papato, Laterza, 2013


Gianluigi Nuzzi, Peccato originale, Chiarelettere, 2017

Gianluigi Nuzzi, Giudizio Universale, Chiarelettere, 2019

Gianluigi Nuzzi, Vaticano S.p.A., Chiarelettere, 2011

Elisabetta Bani-Pierluigi Consorti, Finanze vaticane e Unione europea, il Mulino, 2015

Maurizio Turco-Carlo Pontesilli-Gabriele di Battista, Paradiso IOR, Castelvecchi, 2013

Ettore Gotti Tedeschi-Paolo Gambi, Un mestiere del diavolo, Giubilei Regnani, 2015

Francesca Immavolata Chaouqui, Nel nome di Pietro, Sperling & Kupfer, 2017

Emiliano Fittipaldi, Avarizia, Feltrinelli, 2015

Benny Lai, Finanze Vaticane, Rubbettino, 2012

Aldo Maria Valli, Il forziere dei papi. Storia, volti e misteri dello IOR, Ancora, 2013


Louise Milligan, The Cardinal. The rise and fall of George Pell, Melbourne University Press, 2017

Rod Dreher, The Benedict Option, Sentinel, 2017


Franco Roberti-Lamberto Giannini, Manuale dell’antiterrorismo, Laurus, 2016

Loretta Napoleoni, Terrorismo S.p.A., il Saggiatore, 2008

Countless are also the documents that I perused on the net.  Here is just a very small excerpt of those that I consider the most meaningful, filed in separate folders by their subject matter.

Carbon Tax Fraud and Terrorism Financing

Carbon Tax Fraud and Terrorism Financing
Carbon Tax Fraud and Terrorism Financing

DCPP NOCS & Co (Police Special Forces)

DCPP NOCS & Co (Police Special Forces)

Vatican Finance

Vatican Finance
Vatican Finance

Maltese Foundations

Maltese Foundations
Maltese Foundations

Jihadists in Italy

Jihadists in Italy
Jihadists in Italy





Vatican Rituals

Vatican Rituals
Vatican Rituals

SARI (Automatic System of Image Recognition)

SARI (Automatic System of Image Recognition)
SARI (Automatic System of Image Recognition)

The Ellis Defence

How the Church defended itself for years from charges of child abuse - by denying to be a legal entity

The Ellis Defence

Emma and Katie Foster

The tragic story of the Foster family, which inspired the Cheever family of the novel

Emma and Katie Foster

Melbourne Response

The Melbourne Response of George Pell, which inspired my Pretoria Response of Warren Hamilton

Melbourne Response

How to Become a Terrorist

How ISIS instructs on the internet how to plan and execute a terrorist attack

How to Become a Terrorist
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